The past year has been difficult for everyone around the world, so it’s nice to hear good news for a change, especially in a small rural community where many people struggle to survive hard times day after day, year after year. So we’re happy to share a story about a strong woman on a lifetime fitness journey who took a chance with a new business that has not just succeeded but also helps many people – women and men both – grow stronger and healthier. Here’s the report about OUTsideIN’s January 2021 Strong Woman on a Journey, Caroline Duncan:
The Wednesday morning circuit training class at ADBC Fitness Studio in Troy, TN (and close neighbor of the OUTsideIN workshop) ended on a high note on January 13, 2021 when eight participants surprised owner Caroline Duncan with a party celebrating the anniversary of her studio opening. On behalf of Troy neighbors, friends and fans, Alderman Kristi Scarborough presented Ms. Duncan with a certificate of thanks for her 11 years of instruction, education, encouragement, leadership, and service.
An ADBC Fitness Studio member since May 2010, LeEllen Smith of Troy says that Mrs. Duncan’s lifetime fitness journey is inspiring and that she sets such a good example for those who juggle fitness and health with jobs, family, and community work. “She is a treasure to me because her fitness training has changed my life and I’m grateful that she established her business in Troy, where nice people not only live, but workout.”
Mrs. Duncan began her career in the fitness field in 1982. Since then, she has led countless exercise classes in Tennessee, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. In addition to 40+ years of experience, she holds a BS in Health & Human Performance from the University of Tennessee at Martin. As a highly qualified professional who takes the fitness goals and the health of her clients as seriously as her own, she focuses on personalized physical fitness instruction, with a wide variety of exercise classes for students of all ages, including a Silver Silverworks class for people over 55 and those with special needs. Personal training and group sessions are also available.
Longtime member, Jean McMillan of Union City, especially appreciates Mrs. Duncan’s commitment to good health. “I was disappointed when insurance issues prevented me from getting cardiac rehab in Union City, but it’s okay because Caroline is my #1 support in dealing with heart failure and related problems. She keeps a careful eye on me, suggests exercise modifications, and most of all encourages me to keep moving.”
Mrs. Duncan has added community service to the roster of ADBC Fitness Studio activities by organizing the collection of pocket change throughout each year which is then donated to Gibson Electric Cooperative at Christmastime to help pay past due accounts of senior members who are struggling to stay warm in winter weather.
Like many local health and fitness facilities, ADBC Fitness Studio has worked hard to deal with COVID-19 pandemic conditions and restrictions. Mrs. Smith says, “That little studio smells more like a boutique than a gym. That’s not because we don’t sweat; it’s because Caroline keeps it so fresh and clean.” Participants are provided a no-contact thermometer, disinfecting wipes, and disposable face masks. After every class, everyone pitches in to sanitize all the equipment before leaving.
It’s especially fitting that the ADBC Fitness Studio anniversary is in January, when so many people are thinking about New Year’s resolutions related to health, fitness and nutrition. The studio’s current class schedule and more information can be found on Facebook at The studio is located at 115 West Westbrook Street, on the square in Troy, Tennessee.
In times when we’re all inundated with bad news about sadness, strife and struggles, it’s wonderful to know a strong woman who works hard to encourage and strengthen other people and does it with such love and care. Thank you, Caroline! We’re honored to be your friends and neighbors.